Friday, October 15, 2010

Energizer Bunny

I'll start this one with a question. Do you know those days, the ones where you just keep going? They're the ones that you dread, but can't avoid; you wake up super early just to do some inane task (one of many on your list from hell), then you somehow go through the day in a perpetual haze. You try to find time to eat and the non-existent time to use the loo. Then, by the end of the day when you're all ready for bed, someone calls and needs your help immediately or they're going to die. So, all of that sacred energy gone to waste, for what you may find yourself asking? It's for mere sanity. Without these days, you would simply have to go insane. These days keep you on your guard; they make sure that you haven't lost any of that 'spunk' you claim to have. Now, on the contrary, if you seem to have these days more often than not, then obviously there is a problem. In these cases, it might end up causing the opposite effect: pure and utter aberration. In these cases be sure to contact your doctor immediately. Other than that, you don't have anything to worry about. Make sure you drink plenty of coffee and when you meet new people, tell them your name is Energizer Bunny. Might as well make this drag of a day worth while.

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