Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There is a First for Everything

Well, this is my first post. The Spirit of Existence is what it says: the life and vitality of pure existence, of living, and of everything in between. It's the fun times and those small moments that you don't remember until later in life that mean the world to a person. It's the memories, good and bad, that define a person; it makes them who they are today. Everything is a learning process, whether you learn how to be or how not to be *quote Shakespeare*. Even breathing is a learning process...alright, maybe not, but if you're a runner it is. Or if you're a pregnant lady, you have to learn the process of breathing and relaxing during childbirth, aka, Lamaze. Yoga also practices breathing methods to help one enter the meditative state...or wait, isn't that for monks? I don't have a clue, but like I said, everything is a learning process. Does this blog have a point? Nope, it's not a #2 pencil for goodness sake *Laughs*. Alright, I'm not funny, I know, but if I don't try I'll ask myself, "What if?...". So, in a nut shell, life can be two things: pleasant or unpleasant; so, why spend time worrying about the things that aren't going your way and spend that time living it up? It's called making your time worth while. The Spirit of Existence = living every moment like it's your last moment. Period. Done. Simple.

1 comment:

  1. I'm confused. Is that living? Just having a feeling about something that is unusual or not. Could it be that I am not confused, maybe I'm thinking the way I'm supposed to and this is completely normal not to have a clue. You think or something.
    I love you and I am happy that you are finally doing something that makes you happy. MOM
